
雖然抗癌成功的例子時有耳聞,但癌症發生在周遭的人或自己身上時,幾乎每個人都會把它跟死亡做很直接的聯想,悲觀的人甚至會將其劃上等號。死亡在各種人文呈現如文學、電影、音樂中,跟愛情一樣都是寫不完也演不爛,無限詠唱的主題。相信很多Mitch Albom的讀者跟我一樣,看完Tuesdays with Morri後對死亡有豁然開朗、無所畏懼的感想,「生命有始有終,一個人才可以審視他的一輩子,然後知道走這一遭的目的。」上周陪母親到長庚接受子宮頸癌的診治,才發現我只是自以為豁達的看待生老病死,那天,我卻沉默寡言,同理心根本無法讓我體會母親承受的恐懼有多大,我不該叫她正面思考,她有權也應該發洩任何情緒,以下這本書跟其中一段字句很撫慰人心,把它們翻譯出來可以幫助我理解跟思考,也希望對某些人而言是有幫助的。

The reality and possibility of serious illness evokes soul from the first moment it registers:

it might be after hearing a report that something serious was found on the X-ray

or more sophisticated scans or in the specimen sent to the lab,

or after an illness announced itself with the sudden onset of an acute pain,

loss of consciousness or bleeding...

whenever or however that line from health to illness is crossed,

we enter this realm of soul.

Illness is both soul-shaking and soul-evoking for the patient

and for all others for whom the patient matters.

We lose an innocence, we know vulnerability,

we are no longer who we were before this event,

and we will never be the same.

We are in uncharted terrain, and there is no turning back.

Illness is a profound soul event, and yet this is virtually ignored and unaddressed.

Instead, everything seems to be focused on the part of the body

that is sick, damaged, failing, or out of control.




Illness makes us acutely aware of how precious life is

and how precious a particular life is.

Priorities shift.

We may see the truth of what matters, who matters,

and what we have been doing with our lives and have to decide what to do--

now that we know.


Significant relationships are tested and either come through strengthened or fail.

Pain and fear bring us to our knees in prayer.

Our spiritual and religious convictions or the lack of them are called into question.

Illness is an ordeal for both body and soul,

and a time when healing  either or both can result.




Illness takes us out of our ordinary lives and concerns,

and confronts us with big questions

and the opportunity of tapping into soul knowledge

that can transform us and the situation.


At a soul level,

we can see clearly what matters and recognize the truth of our personal situation.

We know that we are spiritual beings on a human path

rather than human beings who may be on a spiritual path.

At the soul level we recognize what is sacred and eternal.

At the soul level,

an illness, even a terminal one,

is a potential beginning,

a liminal time when we are between the ordinary world and the invisible one.






    癌症病人 心靈上 翻譯者

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